Typically when you come for a first appointment the psychiatrist will talk to you for between 45 min to 1 hour. They will take a detailed history of your life, including information about your family, your education and employment, relationships etc. They will also explore your current issues and problems as well as obtaining a thorough understanding of how these are impacting on your day to day life.
They may seek more information regards your condition from family, your GP, past treating services but only after seeking your permission to do so. At the end of your first session the psychiatrist will discuss with you their opinion as to your diagnosis and treatment needs.
We can help with a lot of common problems, including:
- Anxiety / panic
- Attention problems
- Depression
- Bipolar
- PTSD / Acute stress
- Sexual issues
- Substance dependence
- Relationship issues
- Eating disorders
- Chronic pain / illness
- Sleep problems
- Psychotic disorders
- Medication side effects
- Work stress or injury
- Self-esteem
We also see people for medico-legal reports, 2nd opinions and Workcover assessments.